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Writer's pictureCameren Farr

How to Reframe Your Time Series Forecast Problem as an Alternate Regression Problem

Time series forecasting is a critical task in many domains, such as finance, sales, demand forecasting, and weather prediction. It involves predicting future values of a variable based on its historical values. Traditional time series forecasting methods, such as ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), are widely used for this purpose. However, these methods have their limitations, such as difficulties in handling complex patterns, long training times, and sensitivity to hyperparameters.

To overcome these challenges, an alternate approach is to reframe the time series forecast problem as a regression problem. This involves converting the time series data into a supervised learning problem, where the target variable is a function of the past values of the same variable as well as other features. This reframing allows the use of a wide range of regression algorithms, which are typically faster to train and can handle complex patterns more effectively.

Understanding Time Series Forecasting

Before diving into the details of reframing, it's important to understand the basics of time series forecasting. Time series data is a sequence of observations taken at regular intervals over time. The goal of time series forecasting is to predict future values of the variable based on its historical values. This can be useful for making informed decisions and planning for the future.

However, time series forecasting comes with its own set of challenges. Time series data can exhibit complex patterns, such as trends, seasonality, and cyclicality, which make it difficult to model accurately. Additionally, time series data is often noisy and can contain missing values or outliers, which further complicates the forecasting task.

Reframing Time Series Forecasting as Regression

Reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem involves transforming the time series data into a supervised learning problem. In a traditional time series forecasting setup, the target variable is the value of the variable at the next time step, and the features are the values of the variable at previous time steps. In contrast, in a regression setup, the target variable can be any function of the past values of the variable as well as other features.

For example, suppose we have a time series of daily temperature data and we want to predict the temperature for the next day. In a traditional time series forecasting setup, the target variable would be the temperature at the next day, and the features would be the temperatures at previous days. However, in a regression setup, the target variable could be the temperature at the next day, and the features could include the temperature at the previous day, the day of the week, and the historical averages for the same day of the year.

Reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem has several benefits. First, it allows for the use of a wide range of regression algorithms that may not be directly applicable to time series forecasting. Regression algorithms are generally faster to train compared to some traditional time series forecasting methods, and they can handle complex patterns more effectively. Additionally, regression algorithms often have fewer hyperparameters to tune, making them easier to optimize.

Techniques for Reframing Time Series Forecasting

There are several techniques that can be used to reframe time series forecasting as a regression problem. Here are some common methods:

Method 1: Sliding Window

In this approach, a fixed-size window of past values of the time series data is used as features to predict the target variable at the next time step. The window slides over the time series data, and the model is trained to predict the target variable based on the values within the window.

Method 2: Expanding Window

Similar to the sliding window approach, an expanding window also uses a fixed-size window of past values. However, unlike the sliding window, the window size increases over time, incorporating more historical data as the prediction horizon moves further into the future.

Method 3: Recursive Multi-Step Forecasting

In this approach, the model is trained to predict multiple future time steps recursively. The predicted values are then used as inputs for predicting the subsequent time steps. This approach can be useful when forecasting multiple steps ahead and capturing long-term dependencies in the time series data.

Method 4: Direct Multi-Step Forecasting

In contrast to the recursive multi-step forecasting, the direct multi-step forecasting approach involves training the model to directly predict multiple future time steps at once. This can be achieved by using a separate output layer for each time step or by using a single output layer with multiple nodes representing each time step.

Method 5: Encoder-Decoder Approach

The encoder-decoder approach, commonly used in sequence-to-sequence models, can also be used for reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem. The encoder processes the input time series data and generates a fixed-size encoded representation, which is then fed into the decoder to predict the target variable.

Method 6: Vector Auto Regression (VAR)

VAR is a multivariate regression technique that extends the concept of autoregression to multiple variables. It can be used to reframe time series forecasting as a regression problem by treating the target variable as a function of past values of itself and other relevant variables.

Method 7: Random Forest Regression

Random Forest Regression is an ensemble learning technique that can be used for reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem. It can handle non-linear patterns in the data and is resistant to overfitting, making it a useful approach for time series forecasting tasks.

Method 8: Support Vector Regression

Support Vector Regression (SVR) is a regression algorithm that uses support vector machines to model the relationships between variables. It can be used for reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem by treating the target variable as a function of past values of itself and other features.


Reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem can offer several advantages, including the ability to leverage a wider range of regression algorithms, faster training times, and improved handling of complex patterns. It provides an alternative approach to traditional time series forecasting methods and can be particularly useful in scenarios where traditional methods may not perform optimally. By considering different methods such as sliding window, expanding window, recursive multi-step forecasting, direct multi-step forecasting, encoder-decoder approach, VAR, random forest regression, and support vector regression, practitioners can experiment with different techniques to find the most suitable approach for their specific forecasting task.


Can I use any regression algorithm for reframing time series forecasting as regression?

Yes, you can use a wide range of regression algorithms, such as linear regression, random forest regression, Support Vector Regression (SVR), and more, to reframe time series forecasting as a regression problem.

Which method is best for reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem?

The best method depends on the specific characteristics of your time series data and the forecasting task at hand. Sliding window and expanding window approaches are commonly used and relatively simple, while recursive multi-step forecasting and direct multi-step forecasting may be more suitable for capturing long-term dependencies. Encoder-decoder approach, VAR, random forest regression, and SVR can also be effective, depending on the data and problem complexity.

Is reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem always beneficial?

Not necessarily. Reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem may not always be beneficial, as it depends on the data and the problem at hand. Traditional time series forecasting methods, such as ARIMA or LSTM, may still be more suitable in certain cases. It's important to experiment and choose the approach that works best for your specific data and problem requirements.

Are there any limitations to reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem?

Yes, there are limitations. Reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem may not capture the temporal dependencies and unique characteristics of time series data, such as seasonality or trend, as effectively as traditional time series forecasting methods. It's important to carefully evaluate the performance of the chosen approach on your specific data before making a decision.

Can I use multiple methods for reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem?

Yes, you can experiment with multiple methods and choose the one that performs best on your data. It's important to compare and evaluate the performance of different methods using appropriate evaluation metrics to select the most effective approach for your time series forecasting task.

In conclusion, reframing time series forecasting as a regression problem can offer an alternative approach to traditional methods, allowing for the utilization of various regression algorithms and potentially faster training times. However, it's crucial to carefully evaluate the performance of the chosen approach on your specific data and problem requirements. By considering different methods and experimenting with various techniques, you can find the most suitable approach for your time series forecasting task.

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